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Politeknik Cendana

The Best Vocational Campus in Town

Learn from expert professionals and join us for your success journey.

Politeknik Cendana
Politeknik Cendana

Merdeka Belajar with Kampus Merdeka

Polytechnic Cendana really support the program from Kemendikbudristek

Kampus Merdeka
  • #MerdekakanPeluang

  • Cendana Polytechnic Campus Supports Government Programs in implementing the Independent Campus from the Ministry of Education and Technology.

  • Goals of Merdeka Belajar

  • The goals of the Merdeka Learning policy - Merdeka Campus, a three-semester study rights program outside the study program, is to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to the needs of the times, to prepare graduates as future leaders of the nation who excel and kind-personality.

  • Experiential Learning

  • Experiential learning programs with flexible pathways are expected to facilitate students to develop their potential according to their passions and talents.

    Why you choose Cendana?

    An integrated learning campus to elevevate your hard-skills and soft-skills for your SUCCESS in Academic and Success in life.

    • #1 Academy in Business Management in North Sumatera

    • Awarded as Innovative Campus in North Sumatera by Government

    • 328 Cendana Young Leader are spreaded all over the world

    • 100% well-known as English Speaking Campus

    Acknowledged by Government

    Polytechnic Cendana is registered at Dikti with license no: 33/D/0/1997 and Accredited by BAN-PT with score B. Student can continue the study to post graduate to variaty campuses for both local and international.

    Local & International Network

    Polytechnic Cendana is supported by Local and International network. Such as Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States, China and Australia.

    Integrated Learning System

    Polytechnic Cendana consider the first campus in town which apply integrated learning system. Student will experience an unique experience learning system while study here and all the lessons are more practical than theoritical to support the business and career competition nowadays.

    Positive Campus Environment

    Polytechnic Cendana are non-smoking and positive-attitude campus. We always create a positive campus environment to support our learning system and to give the best benefit for our student. We do create English speaking area in campus to enhance communication between students.

    Integrated Learning System

    Cendana Management Training

    Leadership Management Training

    Class Simulation

    Class Simulation in Polythecnic Cendana

    Student Projects

    Student Projects

    Presentation Skill

    Presentation Skill

    Cendana Campus Environments

    Positive Campus Environment

    Overseas Study Tour

    Overseas Educational Training 

    Seminar Workshop

    Seminar & Workshop 

    365 Days Challenge

    365 Day Challenge

    Campus of Diversity

    We Believe Every Person Has Their Unique Things

    Cendana Polytechnic is a campus that upholds diversity, various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions, all of students can be embraced to become a person who excel and have the right skills to welcome the Revolutionary Era 5.0.

    This is proven by the alumni from Cendana, the existence of Cendana Future Leaders, and the National and International achievements that have been obtained by the students because of the support from the Cendana Polytechnic which always gives positive vibes and support to students as potential future leaders or agents of change.

    Politeknik Cendana

    Alumni Thoughts

    "Politeknik Cendana mengajarkan kita “How to survive in any Situation”. Cendana juga tidak hanya mengajarkan Teori tetapi Praktek. Dulu saya masih ingat, kita disuruh ke Kota Tebing Tinggi tanpa sepeser uang pun dan bagaimana cara kita survive untuk kembali ke Medan. I’m really grateful i have experienced that moment, so i would ask you to join us to become part Cendana Brothers and Sisters. If you have something to do with your dream, chase it, Cendana will support you to achieve your dream. See you Guys....."

    – Kelana Limster 

    Indonesia Beauty Peagent Entrepreneur & Trainer

    Kelana Limster

    "Saya sangat bersyukur dapat berkuliah di Politeknik Cendana. Karena berkat pembelajaran dari cendana, sekarang saya bekerja sebagai Manajer di Perusahaan Distributor Sayur dan Buah. Sampai sekarang saya masih menggunakan ilmu praktek yang diberikan oleh Politeknik Cendana sehingga saya bisa menyusun dan mencapai impian saya. Kepada semua mahasiswa Politeknik Cendana, saya dengan tulus mendoakan yang terbaik bagi kalian semua. Kerja keras yang anda tanam hari ini akan menjadi kesuksesan yang anda tuai besok. Jangan berhenti menuntut ilmu dan Jangan pernah menyerah!."

    – Sudi Fu

    Manager of Fruit & Vegetable company, Sydney

    Sudi Fu

    "Politeknik Cendana memberikan kita lingkungan yang sangat bagus. Mereka mempersiapkan kita dengan Keterampilan Praktek dan Pola pikir untuk bisa sukses dalam bisnis. Kami mempelajari “Selling Project”, seperti kamu benar-benar harus keluar, bertemu orang dan berjualan. Kami juga banyak banyak belajar tentang Team Building, Interpersonal Skill, Communication Skill, dan Presentation. Dan saya ingin menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Dosen-dosen saya di Politeknik Cendana atas bimbingan mereka."


    – Albert Leonardo 

    Founder @Marketist.id

    Albert Leonardo

    "Kenapa memilih Politeknik Cendana? Karena di Politeknik Cendana tidak hanya mengajarkan teori dan kami lebih dilatih di praktek untuk menjadi seorang tenaga Marketing dan Pembicara yang handal dan bisa diterapkan di kehidupan bermasyrakat. Sekarang saya bekerja di salah satu Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa General di Indonesia sebagai Direktur. Saya sangat berterimakasih kepada Politeknik Cendana karena melalui pembelajaran yang saya dapatkan oleh dosen-dosen Cendana, saya dapat meraih karir saya di salah satu Perusahaan Asuransi termuka di Indonesia."

    – Adi Chandra  

    Director of Generali Insurance Indonesia

    Adi Chandra

    We Are Located At Jl.Williem Iskandar No.261, Medan